
My number one favorite blog that I visit every day (I subscribe and get their daily emails) is Co.Design.  I don’t remember how I originally found this site, I think by accident, but it is so good.  I get a lot of inspiration from it.

Co.Design is so effective for me because it has a very organized layout and great articles.  It is easy to scan on a daily basis for relevant information, but really all of their articles are good.  I have been reading this blog for about a year or so and have gleaned a lot of valuable information from it.  I highly recommend subscribing and getting their daily emails.

Art Fixx

Another one that I subscribe to is Daily Art Fixx.

I also subscribe to this one and get their daily emails.  I like how they send me a daily overview of only ONE artist at a time.  The emails contain a short biography and a few samples of the artist’s work.  From Caravaggio to Annie Leibovitz, the information is always really interesting and easy to read in short time.


I believe ArtFinder is associated with ArtFixx, but it seems to have more of a focus on painting and photography.  I like that they have a search function on their website for where to find art in your area.  I don’t get the emails from them on a daily basis yet, but still pop into their site frequently.

ArtFinder is less design-focused but sometimes I like that.  Since I have a background in fine arts, I find this inspiring in its own way too.

Here are links to a few others: