Our first task for our package design class was to pick a jar or round container and come up with a product name.  I chose cocktail sauce, because I knew it would be challenging.  In my research for my creative brief, I discovered that the American version of cocktail sauce was invented during prohibition and it is suggested that cocktail dishes (shrimp cocktail, fruit cocktail, etc.) were invented as a creative way to make use of unused stemware. For my concept, I decided upon 1930s supper clubs, which was the birthplace of cocktail sauce.

And so gave birth to Diamond Horseshoe Cocktail Sauce, named after a well-known supper club of the 1930s.

I had a lot of fun sketching for this concept; looking at art deco, movie posters, billboards and a lot of 1920-1940 signage.  I picked up the typeface “Lemon Chicken” for free on fontsquirrel and altered it to give it more of a vintage flair.  The flourishes, fish and diamond logo and shell seal are all hand-drawn.  The two bottom images are the seal for the lid of the bottle and the wrap label for the neck of the bottle.

Here are a couple of my final sketches:

Scan-label and lid Scan-neck label



And the finished product:

Label-front & back Label-front & back2



