
This challenge was to design and develop a device-driven app that would use existing technology to help people in need. My partner, Riva Davis, and I researched and prototyped a medical device that would help people living with epilepsy control their symptoms. Intercept is an app that uses EEG technology to record seizure activity and communicates data to the user’s phone, which can then anticipate and interrupt oncoming seizures. Over 2 million people in the United States suffer from epilepsy, and for many whose seizures cannot be controlled by medication, the only option is costly and invasive surgery. This device would help manage the symptoms of epilepsy in a cost effective and non-invasive way. We did user research to concept the app and device, created the brand and logo design, and created promotional materials. We also created user personas and wireframes for the app prototype, and did extensive user testing to refine the app. It was prototyped using Flinto.

Marketing Materials

We created magazine ads and other marketing materials to show how the brand would appear in the marketplace.




User Personas & Customer Journey

We created personas based on our demographic research, and developed a customer experience journey that shows the customer engagement with the product. We also developed a primary taskflow outlining the tasks that we took our users through with the product.




Diagrams & Infographics

We created diagrams and infographics to better illustrate the story.




Responsive Landing Page

A responsive landing page was created for marketing the headset, mobile app. This page would provide social links as well as links to relevant sources for the latest information about epilepsy treatments.



Paper Wireframes

We sketched out potential ways the app would interact with the headset and made rough sketches of our wireframes.


Initial Prototype

Prototypes were made from the wireframes and tested with users. After integrating the results from user testing, we refined and iterated.


Final Skins

Final prototype skins were designed based on user feedback.
